
  • EIB's "lack of ambition" limits infra opportunities

    19 December 2016

    Industry voices frustration at lack of infrastructure projects

  • European Commission stifles Solvency II asset charge review

    24 November 2016

    Charges still too high for "vast majority" of long-term assets, says Insurance Europe

  • Industry backs delay in derivatives clearing for small firms

    05 September 2016

    Insurers may reduce hedging to avoid compliance burden, warns Insurance Europe

  • UFR change would hurt future industry investment

    31 August 2016

    European insurers' €9.8trn investments would be restricted, warns Insurance Europe

  • "Solvency II is the missing piece in the securitisation package"

    01 June 2016

    Paul Tang, rapporteur for the regulation on securitisations, urges the European Commission to ease the charges for insurers investing in simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisations, and rules out the introduction of compulsory third-party certification for such products demanded by the industry. He speaks to Hugo Coelho

  • Insurers' battle for EU securitisation certification looks lost

    27 May 2016

    Parliament's rapporteur rejects call for compulsory third-party certification

  • Separate infra asset class risks "organisational arbitrage"

    19 May 2016

    Insurance Europe has strong concerns about Eiopa's calibration of capital requirements for infra corporates

  • Trade associations pull together for securitisation reform

    04 March 2016

    Political discussions derailed as MEPs link STS framework to capital treatment of sovereign bonds

  • EU urged to rush cuts in charges on safe securitisations

    16 November 2015

    Amendments to Solvency II cannot wait for agreement on STS directive

  • Commission orders cut to Solvency II charges on infrastructure and ABS

    01 October 2015

    Capital treatment of private equity up for review