
  • Insurance Europe calls for equitable application of Ecolabel across Priips

    08 May 2019

    Industry body warns against inconsistent treatment of comparable investment products

  • There is no need for binary green vs brown assets approach - Insurance Europe warns

    14 March 2019

    Trade association warns Eiopa sustainability must not infringe on Solvency II’s risk based format

  • Bernardino forecasts minor adjustments to PRIIPs regulation

    21 February 2019

    Eiopa chairman replied to industry associations during scrutiny hearing on PRIIPs

  • InvestEU is key to completing 'fully-fledged' recovery

    23 January 2019

    But ECB vice president warns investment programme ambitions has to be mirrored by member states for it to succeed.

  • EIOPA to have a say on individual internal model applications

    14 January 2019

    Econ approves amendments to Eiopa's powers

  • Proposed Solvency II equity asset class is "unworkable"

    28 December 2018

    European Commission urged to review its long-term equity proposal in the Solvency II standard formula review

  • Four countries hold 80% of European insurers’ €10trn investments

    31 October 2018

    France, the UK, Germany and Italy are Europe’s big four

  • Insurers call for SII change to unlock investments

    11 September 2018

    In response to a European Commission consultation on proposals for a new investment programme in the EU, Insurance Europe wants a review of Solvency II rules to unlock insurers' investment potential. Vincent Huck reports

  • European insurers call for reintroduction of equities recycling in IFRS 9

    29 August 2018

    Ban misleads performance of long-term equity investment, says Insurance Europe

  • Sustainable investment taxonomy should be broader, say European insurers

    28 August 2018

    Insurance Europe responds to European Commission's proposal to create a classification system