
  • What next for Scottish Widows' asset portfolio?

    28 March 2018

    Scottish Widows' decision to dump asset manager Aberdeen marked a rare public announcement by an insurer to change third-party managers. Gavin Stewart, director of asset allocation at Scottish Widows, shares insights on its next asset manager selection process with Sarfraz Thind

  • Phoenix transfers £21bn to Standard Life

    26 November 2014

    Similar sum to be transferred in coming years

  • Standard Life Investments adds to European equities team

    10 November 2014

    Team now numbers 12

  • The pros and cons of managing insurers' assets in-house

    17 October 2014

    External management of an insurer's assets may give the company more flexibility, but does it necessarily produce good results? Sarfraz Thind investigates

  • Old Mutual Global Investors hires absolute return team

    15 October 2014

    Six people join from Ignis

  • Axa IM hires business development manager

    22 September 2014

    Powis joins from Ignis AM to build relationships with insurers

  • Standard Life returns £6.3bn in 1H 2014

    05 August 2014

    Helped by dividend and interest income, plus equity and debt market moves