
  • Comment - Time for Europe's lifers to 'talk tough' with their governments?

    04 May 2023

    Knowlingly or not, some of Europe's governments now have sovereigns able to compete with life policy promises

  • Comment - Rome turns into life insurers' competitor, as BTP yields jump

    03 May 2023

    Moody's posited sovereign debt as one rival investment to local lifers' policy promises

  • Italian lifers keep more unit-linked product returns than customers led to expect

    03 March 2023

    IVASS reveals unit-linked policy sales growth

  • Comment - Is an 'AI CIO' better than a CIO?

    03 March 2023

    When will machine learning algorithm be running the GA?

  • IVASS reveals climate data collection project for 2022

    07 July 2022

    Italian regulator will gather and report on how underwriters use climate factors when investing

  • Junk bond holdings helped decide IVASS on insurers' 2021 dividends and bonuses

    06 July 2022

    Some Italian insurers wanting to pay shareholders and staff bonuses were knocked back

  • IVASS reveals where, and why, paper losses sit in insurers' general accounts

    05 July 2022

    Regulator let lifers stress-test negative rates environment in 2021 mid-year trials

  • IVASS reveals €25bn reduction in BTP exposure in 2021

    04 July 2022

    Trimming left general accounts 38% exposed, on average

  • Chart of the Week - Veni, vidi, vendidit ('I came, I saw, I sold [my BTPs]')

    01 July 2022

    Julius Caesar obviously loved the Roman Empire. Insurers' CIOs who kept selling off BTPs in 2021 seem less convinced

  • Italian insurers in first net capital loss position "for several years" as rates rise

    01 July 2022

    IVASS head leaves door open for re-emergence of non-unit linked products