
  • IAIS plots two-step approach to implementation of Insurance Capital Standard

    28 June 2024

    New technical specification for ICS follows wide-ranging consultation with industry

  • Chart of the Week - As a €21bn deal is scuppered by BaFin, have PE owners run out of road for life book sales?

    02 February 2024

    German regulator's refusal to Zurich and Viridium seems bad news for insurers owned by PE

  • Regulators monitoring insurer derivatives use, IAIS says

    07 December 2023

    Rising interest rates increasing margin call risks on insurer derivative holdings

  • ECB rings further alarm on insurer liquidity risk

    28 November 2023

    Adds fuel to debate on liquidity risk as market anticipates economic downturn

  • Shift to illiquids has heightened risk for US insurers, says Fitch

    28 November 2023

    Rating agency says PE-insurers have most exposure and could face shock when assets revalued

  • IAIS launches second climate risk consultation

    27 November 2023

    Request for comments is open until 23 February 2024

  • Liquidity risk remains one of less understood risks in market, according to IAIS

    15 June 2023

    As supervisors reveal at IAIS global seminar the key asset risks currently under consideration

  • Insurance regulators showing good progress on asset standards, IAIS finds

    04 April 2023

    But liquidity monitoring could be improved in some jurisdictions

  • Systemic insurance risk on the rise, IAIS finds

    16 December 2022

    Annual monitoring exercise cites illiquid exposure and derivatives as key contributors

  • No chance of meeting 1.5 degrees scenario

    16 June 2022

    Insurers told at IAIS's global seminar