
  • Harald Epple promoted to CFO of Barmenia.Gothaer

    04 September 2024

    Combined GA of merged composites is worth €50bn

  • APAC Weekly - Were Australian non-lifers' latest financial results a spectacular own-goal?

    27 August 2024

    Come rain or shine, Australia's general insurers are under somewhat of a cloud

  • IAG lifts shareholder funds' income by 35% in year to June

    21 August 2024

    Technical reserve asset income jumped 68%

  • IAG alternatives disgorge income to rival equity holdings in December half-year

    16 February 2024

    Australian insurer reveals devaluation of ventures fund from June to December

  • ICNZ appoints new president and vice-president

    08 January 2024

    Amanda Whiting steps up to top job at Insurance Council of New Zealand

  • IAG pulls out of hedge funds but holds firm on PE

    21 August 2023

    Full-year results revealed the HF redemption today

  • Swiss Re's how to: 'value an anteater'

    05 July 2023

    From tigers to reefs to a coalpit's climate cost, actuaries are valuing some unexpected assets - and presenting findings in ways even UK politicians can grasp...David Walker reports.

  • Chart of the Week - From bees and butterflies to COVID and AI, only actuaries can save the World now

    30 June 2023

    If insurance actuaries thought their job would only involve crunching investment and policy reserving figures, in Sydney last month they were warned, 'Think again!'

  • Actuaries pivotal in aiding climate-adaptation investments, conference told

    06 June 2023

    Professional crucial in identifying usable analytical techniques for evaluating investments

  • Comment: How filling in 'underwriting climate data gaps' will help CIOs, too

    29 March 2023

    IAG has divulged significant anonymised exposure data for natcats