
  • Helvetia AM Swiss Property Fund completes CHF 170m second capital raise

    24 March 2023

    Which will be used to purchase a CHF 229.5m real estate portfolio

  • Helvetia adds CHF 170m to property fund in asset raising

    23 March 2023

    Proceeds plus leverage will buy CHF 230m worth of properties

  • Helvetia AM to acquire CHF 229.5m real estate portfolio

    21 February 2023

    Fund manager planning second capital increase to fund acquisition

  • Helvetia AM property fund plans buying more properties from parent

    21 July 2022

    Fund plans second capital increase of at least CHF 150m in H1 2023

  • Helvetia Asset Management selects NeoXam's data management solution

    29 June 2022

    NeoXam's DataHub platform will support asset manager's s system expansion

  • Helvetia AM gets regulatory exemption to acquire property portfolio from parent

    18 February 2022

    Swiss property fund to raise $217m in capital to acquire the 10 properties

  • Helvetia plans further home sales to affiliate's property fund

    13 December 2021

    Helvetia AM's fund will raise CHF 200m to make purchase

  • Helvetia AM postpones subscription to Swiss real estate fund

    23 March 2020

    Launch announced in early March, but COVID-19's economic impact calls for delay