
  • Hansainvest Real Assets reshuffles senior roles as Nicholas Brinckmann departs

    13 February 2024

    Martina Averbeck and Christoph Lüken winning new roles

  • German affiliated managers push further into real assets

    31 July 2023

    Munich Re and Signal Iduna managers announce deals and recruitment

  • CIOs face up to 'the day after the night before'

    12 April 2023

    The prolonged low-rates environment meant good times for real assets, and those borrowing to buy them. But as David Walker discovers, even good times must end

  • Chart of the Week - Real rates still negative, in 2050

    31 March 2023

    German academics predict 'lower for longer' might not have gone away

  • Hansainvest extends Cologne office rental for PwC

    22 February 2023

    Decade added to consultancy's tenancy

  • HANSAINVEST invests €50m in Poland's solar parks

    03 February 2023

    Affiliated manager already runs nearly €2bn of infrastructure allocations

  • Signal Iduna and HansaInvest Real Assets buy Europe's largest solar park

    07 June 2022

    Investment uses power-purchase agreement for "attractive return in low-interest environment"

  • Assets and investment fees grow at German insurer Continentale

    03 June 2020

    Signal Iduna increases assets as well while outsourced managers crystallise gains for ZZR