
  • CIO Interview: managing Europe's third largest general account

    08 April 2024

    Generali group CIO Francesco Martorana discusses the Italian giant's investment strategy and reveals some of its most exotic investments, including blockchain

  • Generali AM appoints new head of investments

    15 January 2024

    Antonio Cavarero picked for new role from sibling firm

  • The return of fixed income to continue in 2024, Generali Investments says

    22 December 2023

    Generali affiliate asset managers outline their outlook for assets in 2024

  • Allianz adds €500m to GA in Italian non-life acquisition

    13 October 2023

    Tua Assicurazioni CIO's investment risk appetite resembled some Italian units Allianz holds

  • 'Discretion is the better part of valor,' at GIAM

    31 July 2023

    Generali Insurance Asset Management CEO Bruno Servant and members of his team discuss the current market environment, and why caution is in order. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Social bond issuance halved last year, Generali Insurance AM says

    09 January 2023

    US only makes up 20% of market, but bonds still appealing for impact investors

  • New cold war brewing, Generali Insurance Asset Management says

    15 December 2022

    Next year's outlook is tilted to the downside, affiliated manager finds

  • The Fed to "turn less aggressive this autumn," says Generali

    01 July 2022

    Whilst Swiss Re chief economist argues "prepare for the ride to get worse"

  • Equity falls to be limited to 5% - but Generali warns, don't 'buy the dip'

    03 March 2022

    ECB's hawkish pivot in February unlikely to change sharply

  • 'Come to me with solutions'

    02 December 2021

    Insurer CIOs and DB pension managers face numerous problems - lucky, then, that Bruno Servant describes Generali Insurance Asset Management as a "solutions factory". David Walker spoke with the CEO.