
  • Hannover Re defends coal investing

    09 November 2018

    Reply to criticism comes on heels of Vienna Insurance Group's own defence

  • Boutique asset managers outperform non-boutiques by 16%

    02 November 2018

    Institutional investors would record greater returns if they gave mandates to smaller asset managers, latest research highlights

  • European insurers’ outsourcing starts at home, Insurance Risk Data reveals

    02 November 2018

    But independents also win mandates, especially in UK market

  • Generali and DWS expand unit-linked relationship

    24 October 2018

    As part of ongoing asset management strategy to partner with multiple boutique firms focusing on specific markets

  • Sovereign exposure partly to blame for Unipol downgrade

    24 October 2018

    Allianz SpA and Generali avoid same fate

  • Generali acquires Polish asset manager

    23 October 2018

    Union Investment TFI holds €3.3 bn of assets under management

  • European asset management mandates revealed by Insurance Risk Data

    18 October 2018

    Greater transparency among EEA underwriters offer a unique glimpse into what and to whom insurers outsource their asset portfolio to, the only missing piece is the how much. David Walker reports

  • Generali establishes specialist liability driven investment manager

    04 October 2018

    Reorganisation of investment operations sees insurance asset investment and third-party management split into separate entities.

  • Generali enters Nordic real estate market with Copenhagen purchase

    02 October 2018

    Italian insurer plans to build a property portfolio across the region

  • Generali and former AB CEO launch Aperture Investors

    21 September 2018

    New asset management company will use performance-linked fee model