
  • Generali CFO flags more insourcing as investment boutique skills expand

    20 May 2021

    Borean looking for more M&A of "high-fees" businesses

  • 18 French insurers commit €11bn to finance SMEs recovery from COVID-19

    26 April 2021

    Second round of financing planned for June

  • Generali reveals investment fortunes, and losses, at key European units

    19 April 2021

    Figures unveiled for Italian, German and French operations

  • Insurers' GA - cost or opportunity for affiliated asset managers?

    14 April 2021

    Unlike banks, insurers enjoy a close relationship with their affiliated asset managers, to the point that an insurer's CIO can also be the manager's CEO. Although not prohibited by law, this arrangement raises ethical concerns - ones that regulators are well aware of. Vincent Huck reports

  • Generali's multi-boutique managers hit AuM target, with a shunt from the parent

    12 March 2021

    Three-year old platform comfortably exceeds profit ambition

  • Generali strengthens finances with record operating profit of €5.2bn

    11 March 2021

    CEO acknowledges management changes and attributes them to crisis management

  • Generali appoints Francesco Martorana as CIO

    02 March 2021

    Bruno Servant replaces Martorana as CEO of Generali Insurance Asset Management

  • Generali seeks external partners in €3.5bn push for economic reconstruction

    24 February 2021

    Italian insurer's injections will go into socially useful economic activities across Europe

  • Generali CIO resigns in major management shake-up

    28 January 2021

    Italian composite creating various new asset management roles

  • Generali France launches impact fund for vulnerable families and refugees

    14 December 2020

    Joins with INCO Ventures to invest in unlisted companies with social impact