
  • IAR EMEA: US credit markets turn UK insurers' heads

    12 June 2023

    As duration is found wanting at home

  • Chart of the Week - US liabilities 'WLTM' US assets

    11 November 2022

    Cross-border business in EEA has a clear bias...

  • Insurers are becoming specialists in private markets

    09 July 2019

    In their search for yield, insurers have become so accustomed with private assets they are now able to generate their own deals and perform in-depth analysis in-house, according to panellists at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference. Vincent Huck reports

  • European Insurers’ favour affiliates as manager of choice

    18 June 2019

    Analysis of 200 European underwriters’ SFCRs by Insurance Risk Data reveals

  • LGIM Real Assets invested £225m in Thames Tideway Tunnel over three years

    25 April 2019

    Infrastructure team has invested £1.5bn in the last 12 months

  • LGIM invests £44.6m in UK social housing

    17 April 2019

    Investment to provide 167 homes for families on the Croydon Council’s housing waiting list

  • Insurers key to filling £500bn infrastructure funding gap

    09 April 2019

    Legal & General Retirement Institutional CEO Laura Mason says insurance sector can play an important role

  • NEAM expands capital returns team

    12 December 2018

    Berkshire Hathaway-owned New England Asset Management hires Rui Wang from Mercer

  • Recession is coming, and it could spark credit appetite

    12 November 2018

    Panellists at upcoming Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA conference warn

  • LGIM targets US real assets market

    22 June 2018

    One of three priorities in this asset class for the asset manager