
  • China Life Investment backs infrastructure REIT listings, and national economy, in July

    26 July 2024

    Insurance AM Association of China reveals nearly 200 infrastructure investment plans launched this year

  • CDPQ backs Quebec data centre campus with $75m senior financing

    25 July 2024

    Vantage Data Centers to use investment round to build additional 16 MW of computing capacity

  • Achmea IM adds over €25bn to its assets in Dutch pensions deal

    25 July 2024

    Blue Sky Group is selling its manager to focus more on pensions management

  • Markets to watch election more closely after Biden withdrawal, RLAM says

    24 July 2024

    Adding government bond markets "are no longer to be taken for granted" by political leaders

  • INVL's private debt fund backs Latvian startup investor

    24 July 2024

    Bridge Finance invests in Civinity bond issue

  • Comment: MS&AD treaded carefully in the minefield of unwinding its cross-holdings

    24 July 2024

    Other Japanese insurers will be wise to follow suit, in describing their 'unwinding' plans

  • MS&AD reveals terms for unwinding strategic stake with Toyota

    23 July 2024

    Large non-life Japanese peers are also planning sell-offs of their own

  • Everest bolsters institutional investment links with Mt Logan CM platform launch

    22 July 2024

    Bermudian group already has $1.5bn of third-party capital

  • L&G Asset Management appoints global head of financial institutions

    19 July 2024

    Ashley Fagan joins client distribution team from Amundi

  • ABI approves of King's Speech and National Wealth Fund

    18 July 2024

    But warns of need to ensure NWF crowds in private finance instead of crowding it out