
  • Hong Kong insurers embrace prudence as RBC set to kick in

    11 June 2024

    And highlight areas of discussions with the regulator for future iteration of the regulation

  • Fitch outlook on Chinese state-owned insurer CUPIC turns negative

    21 March 2024

    Ratings agency cites high risky assets exposure among reasons

  • Fubon Life to invest $500m in Alibaba’s Hong Kong IPO

    22 November 2019

    Follows $20m investment in the 2014 New York IPO

  • Fubon Life terminates plan to buy Cannon Place

    14 April 2016

    Regulator understood to have declined approval

  • Taiwan eases derivatives rules for life insurers

    23 February 2016

    As Taiwan's life insurance market is growing, the supervisor is easing hedging rules

  • Korea, Taiwan insurers invest in Western bricks and mortar

    18 February 2016

    Korean firms focus on US offices, Taiwanese head to Europe

  • Fubon Life to buy another City of London building

    26 November 2015

    Taiwanese insurer would pay around £500m

  • Asset risk still a concern for Taiwan's life insurers

    28 July 2015

    Fitch reports on shift into overseas fixed-income

  • Sale of Tussauds to Taiwan insurer confirmed

    26 May 2015

    Fubon Life pays £332.5m

  • Asian insurers step up European real estate investments

    06 May 2015

    The safe haven status of Europe and deregulation at home are major spurs; London is a favoured target. Joe Valente explains