
  • Frankfurter Leben CIO joins HQ Trust

    19 June 2024

    The head of investments at Sparkassenversicherung is to replace him in the Autumn

  • German insurers had about two-thirds of basic capital requirement in market risk in 2023

    13 June 2024

    New analysis examined solvency data of 178 German firms on standard formula

  • Frankfurter Leben reveals further dive into private markets in 2023

    13 June 2024

    Private and real estate debt, as well as infrastructure equity, got additional injections from consolidator last year

  • Interest reserve unwind continues at German life insurers as rates rose in 2023

    31 May 2024

    Some life firms had to sell down assets in previous years to fund the ZZR

  • German life consolidators reveal lapse and liquidity risk details in latest SFCRs

    08 May 2024

    All life undertakings discussed experiences, mitigations and examinations of surrenders, in 2023

  • Comment - What future for PE-backed life book consolidators as AXA and Athora ditch transfer plans?

    07 May 2024

    Ending it was consensual, but BaFin was surely in the deal-partners' thoughts

  • Comment - Are PE owners facing the end of their life backbook consolidation journey?

    31 January 2024

    After BaFin's move on Zurich and Viridium, the future seems uncertain if 'PE ownership' breaks deals

  • Chart of the Week - 'Build it and they will come' - German insurers and Spezialfonds

    18 August 2023

    Since 2009 German institutions made 3.9% in their Spezialfonds - and expanded allocations by 167%

  • Generali to transfer €2.8bn assets to Frankfurter Leben in pensions sale

    04 May 2023

    Parties hope M&A will complete by year's end

  • Pain relief - Sellers of life back books find their remedy

    04 August 2022

    Life CIOs once yearned for back book sales to reduce their yield-pain. But might higher interest rates do the same job, David Walker asks