
  • UK insurers roll out infrastructure investment plans

    17 May 2021

    Outsourcing duties to Equitix and M&G unit

  • IAR outlook survey: sustainability for the next ten years

    08 February 2021

    Insurance Asset Risk's outlook survey discovered that sustainability is the overarching theme that will influence insurance investor behavior—not just this year but for the next decade and probably beyond. Yet, some are more prepared than others. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Assessing climate associated asset risk

    30 October 2020

    Panel sponsored by Royal London Asset Management

  • ABI's Hugh Savill predicts Brexit 'papal schism' for Solvency II

    20 October 2020

    The UK exit from the EU could lead to a rift in insurance regulation akin to the papal schism of the 1300s, delegates at the Insurance Asset Risk 2020 EMEA conference have heard. Vincent Huck reports

  • Finding the rewards in low interest rates

    19 February 2020

    Foresters Friendly Society's chief investment officer Corrado Pistarino explains why he believes it's a fallacy to think low interest rates constitute "unrewarded risk". Interview by Vincent Huck

  • New investment risks or new assessment of risk?

    10 December 2019

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's sister publication InsuranceERM's conference discuss the new types of risks they are exposed to and whether they understand those risks well. Highlights compiled by Stephanie Harris

  • Foresters Friendly Society awards £175m mandate to Axa IM

    05 July 2019

    Multi-asset mandate will invest 80% in traditional assets and 20% in alternatives

  • Creating a regulatory and policy environment that supports long-term insurance, part II

    20 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference UK and European insurers discuss as part of a panel the pressing regulatory issues challenging their investment. In the second part of this two-part series, they discuss the MA and transition from Libor. Compiled by David Walker

  • Creating a regulatory and policy environment that supports long-term insurance

    14 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference UK and European insurers discuss the pressing regulatory issues challenging their investments. Compiled by David Walker

  • Insurers desperately look, without success, to regulators for Libor answers

    14 June 2019

    Insurers lamented lack of help from regulators to switch from Libor, at IAR 2019 European conference