
  • Allianz Leben reveals equity fund losses, write-downs - and an improved 2020 investment result

    13 April 2021

    Germany's largest life unit achieved 4.1% net yield

  • German lifers at the mercy of interest rates falling lower, Fitch Ratings warns

    02 February 2021

    Little room for restructuring the portfolios left if rates were to fall further

  • Korean insurers to be impacted by ESG disclosure requirements

    26 January 2021

    Companies with over KRW 2trn ($1.8bn) in assets to disclose ESG reports by 2025

  • Asia - how to keep calm in a storm

    13 January 2021

    Asian insurers were the first to suffer from COVID-19, including in their general account investments, but industry practitioners and analysts see a robust industry navigating seemingly endless low rates. David Walker reports

  • Quarter of insurers have risk of rating downgrade in 2021, Fitch says

    07 January 2021

    Main reasons for worsening outlook are low interest rates and investment write-downs

  • UK life insurers looking to put up to £170bn in illiquid private assets in next decade

    22 December 2020

    Substantial portion will be in sustainable assets, says Fitch

  • ZZR cuts required yield at German life firms by one-third

    01 December 2020

    But industry body head says it's the correct mechanism to counter low interest rates

  • Australian life insurers record AUD 0.5bn loss in H1

    09 November 2020

    Poor result exacerbated by pandemic driven investment market losses, Fitch Ratings notes

  • Fitch downgrades Volkswohl Bund Leben on reinvestment yield

    03 November 2020

    Moody's hangs negative outlook on German life sector

  • Japanese insurers turn to foreign assets for yield

    26 August 2020

    Foreign securities now make up about 30% of total assets