
  • Comment - Time for Europe's lifers to 'talk tough' with their governments?

    04 May 2023

    Knowlingly or not, some of Europe's governments now have sovereigns able to compete with life policy promises

  • CBIRC pulls industry up on sometimes "weak" investment look-through

    24 April 2023

    Non-standard asset transparency sometimes lacking, warns Chinese regulator

  • US insurers reduced fixed income ETFs by $1bn last year

    30 March 2023

    Risk off environment sees insurers pull money from high yield ETF holdings

  • Fitch Ratings gives US insurers "neutral" outlook amid bank failures

    16 March 2023

    Exposure to Silicon Valley Bank modest but other challenges remain

  • Springing back to life - JGB yields help Japan's CIOs repatriate GAs

    01 March 2023

    It's been an awfully long time coming, but yields on long-dated JGBs are becoming genuinely attractive to many Japanese CIOs - maybe for the first time in their careers, David Walker reports

  • Fitch spells out reasons for C-Ross Phase II solvency falls

    08 February 2023

    Ratings agency says investment charges hurt lifers, while insurance charges played role for non-lifers

  • Full-scale GA change not expected this year South Korea new regulatory regime

    08 February 2023

    Fitch expects "adjustments" at some South Korean insurers in May/June reporting

  • JGB yields rising a "probable game change" for Japan's lifers, Fitch says

    08 February 2023

    Sector is already selling off US treasuries

  • Fitch questions appetite for green bonds among Chinese lifers

    08 December 2022

    Asset/liability mismatch could stymy take-up despite capital discount under C-Ross Phase II

  • German non-lifer's investment income will not outweigh inflationary pressure, Fitch says

    06 December 2022

    Though increase in yields and equity investment losses will cancel each other out