
  • South Korean insurers' net earnings rose 3% in H1, all thanks to non-life firms

    06 September 2024

    Industry's return on equity brightened to 11.8%

  • Volatile markets create almost half the Q1 jump in capital bill in South Korea

    17 July 2024

    Operational risk also needed more capital behind it, FSS reveals

  • Fitch flags further cull in high-charge assets under K-ICS framework

    26 June 2024

    Ratings agency expects more purchases of local long-dated fixed income

  • South Korea's FSS warns of "fallout from increasing uncertainty and volatility" in financial markets

    21 June 2024

    But conglomerates grew capital adequacy as K-ICS kicked in

  • South Korean insurers to help lend KRW1trn to struggling project finance sector

    14 May 2024

    Financial Services Commission announced various measures for non-viable projects

  • South Korean insurers generate nearly KRW 3trn investment income in 2023

    28 March 2024

    Aggregated assets of insurance companies down 6.5% from end of 2022

  • Insurers lead South Korea financial firms in KRW 32trn foreign property allocations

    27 February 2024

    Financial Supervisory Service has published data for September

  • Investments boost South Korean insurers H1 results

    23 August 2018

    Increased gains led to a 11.7% increase in income investments