
  • Version 5 of Tripartite Template published

    16 January 2020

    Solvency II asset data reporting tool in effect from March

  • US Outlook 2020: an encore for investors

    15 January 2020

    Many had bet on the market staging a final whimper last year before recession. But the talk of a global downturn suddenly vanished in the last few months of 2019. Now investors are looking at the market with rosy spectacles and hoping for more rewards in 2020. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • DG Fisma defends its Solvency II work

    25 October 2019

    Martin Merlin responds to critics at French Federation of Insurers conference

  • Chief executive of Hong Kong Federation of Insurers resigns

    26 July 2019

    Peter Tam leaves industry body to pursue other opportunities

  • Natixis Assurances MD appointed president of French Bancassurance Group

    25 July 2019

    Jean-François Lequoy will also serve as vice-president of the French Insurance Federation

  • Allianz wins €300m broadband tender in Austria

    22 July 2019

    Allianz Capital Partners chosen as preferred bidder to rollout fibre connectivity to 100,000 homes by 2022

  • Dutch financial sector commits to Paris Agreement goals

    11 July 2019

    Fifteen insurers among firms committing to disclose climate impact of their investments and CO2 emissions reductions

  • Japanese and German financial regulators agree to enhance cooperation

    11 June 2019

    FSA and BaFin agree to notify each other of supervisory concerns and or any action they intend to take

  • Q&A: Introducing risk-based capital in Hong Kong

    04 June 2019

    David Alexander, head of P&C reinsurance Hong Kong & Taiwan at Swiss Re, and chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers taskforce on RBC has been directly involved in liaison with the Insurance Authority on the introduction of the new regulation. Interview by Vincent Huck.

  • Hong Kong’s insurers gearing up for risk-based capital

    31 May 2019

    In Hong Kong, local stakeholders tell Vincent Huck how they are getting ready for a risk-based capital regime which will require them to put in place ALM strategies and define their investment risk appetite.