
  • Fed likely to warn market of intention to scale back asset purchases, NN IP says

    10 June 2021

    Keep close eye on Fed and ECB communications

  • French economist calls current system for financing the economy "absurd"

    25 May 2021

    French insurer association president highlights the political nature of Solvency II

  • US insurers boost Federal Home Loan borrowing for higher-yielding investments

    21 May 2021

    FHLBs provide cheap loans for insurers for geared asset purchases

  • 18 French insurers commit €11bn to finance SMEs recovery from COVID-19

    26 April 2021

    Second round of financing planned for June

  • US insurer liquidity risk at post-2008 highs

    23 November 2020

    Fed warns of increased difficulty of meeting claims as illiquid assets shoot past 12-year highs

  • French insurers invest €2bn in recovery programme

    23 October 2020

    Industry body list the funds and their asset managers

  • French government pressures insurers to finance recovery

    22 April 2020

    In response, industry to step up commitments

  • French trade bodies ask firms to cancel SMEs' rents

    20 April 2020

    Cancellation of three months of rent would be automatic but would exclude charges

  • French insurers commit up to €200m to COVID-19 solidarity fund

    30 March 2020

    French Federation of Insurers said its 260 members would contribute to the government fund

  • Watchdogs urge insurers to use buffers, not sell assets

    25 March 2020

    Regulators worldwide are leaping in to protect insurers' assets from undue risk