
  • Solvency UK reforms contribute to £100m risk margin reduction for mutuals, Broadstone finds

    22 July 2024

    Report on 2023 SFCRs also finds total assets rose by 2%

  • Mutual insurers align over $1trn of assets to sustainable frameworks

    02 November 2023

    ICMIF survey shows 32% annual jump in global sector assets aligned to frameworks

  • CDPQ and other Quebec investors pledge $300m in sustainability fund

    31 May 2023

    Investi Fund was launched by Innocap and Finance Montréal

  • How best to describe a stuff-up? SFCR writers confront Whitehall's gilts-storm

    01 May 2023

    Remember, remember the 23rd of September - when gilt yields exploded, without a mote of gunpowder in sight. David Walker reads how UK insurers revisited the scene in their SFCRs

  • French insurer takes to capital-lite long-term equity funds in 2021

    26 September 2022

    La Securitie Familiale meanwhile sees equity funds underperform direct holdings by half

  • AXA IM Alts grows its US multi-family portfolio

    25 May 2022

    Acquiring Texan real estate asset in JV with TruAmerica Multifamily

  • An alternative for the trials of life in Germany

    12 May 2021

    From infrastructure with low capital charges to multi-credit funds and private equity, German life firms' latest solvency reports reveal chief investment officers want to allocate more to alternatives. David Walker reports

  • Hannover Digital finances car cover automation firm

    22 April 2021

    Clearcover will use backing to expand digital insurance

  • Three Swedish firms invest in companies struggling with COVID crisis

    12 June 2020

    AMF and SEB team up with foundations linked to World War II hero Raoul Wallenberg

  • Bernardino forecasts minor adjustments to PRIIPs regulation

    21 February 2019

    Eiopa chairman replied to industry associations during scrutiny hearing on PRIIPs