
  • PRA defends requirement to align internal and external credit rating methodologies

    05 July 2017

    UK regulator publishes supervisory statement on matching adjustment expectations for unrated illiquid assets and equity release mortgages

  • Commission: Solvency II charge on infrastructure corporates should be lowered

    08 June 2017

    Mid-term review of Capital Markets Union sparks criticism from Insurance Europe

  • Eiopa requests evidence on unlisted equity and debt charges

    27 April 2017

    Consultation paper launched after Commission seeks to bolster Capital Markets Union

  • The 2017 investment agenda

    30 December 2016

    With 2016 drawing to a close, investors on behalf of insurers can look back on what was a particularly challenging year. They will be keen to steady the ship and step up investment performance in 2017. Asa Gibson reports

  • EIB's "lack of ambition" limits infra opportunities

    19 December 2016

    Industry voices frustration at lack of infrastructure projects

  • European Commission stifles Solvency II asset charge review

    24 November 2016

    Charges still too high for "vast majority" of long-term assets, says Insurance Europe

  • Commission is 'tabooing' sovereign risk, says MEP

    22 September 2016

    Sven Giegold fears treatment of government bonds will be excluded from the 2018 review

  • Zweimueller insists on risk charging sovereign bonds

    09 September 2016

    But recognises risk of regulatory arbitrage

  • Solvency II sovereign charges wait for white smoke from Basel

    01 September 2016

    Berger criticised for excluding sovereign bonds from preparatory work for standard formula review

  • Beazley shores up portfolio with investment grade bonds

    22 July 2016

    Divests 99% of ABS since the start of 2015