
  • Extent of European insurers' sell-off in Q1 revealed

    21 October 2020

    Figure revealed in European Systemic Risk Board's response to Solvency II review

  • Green supporting factors "an important debate" in Solvency II review

    12 October 2020

    Didier Millerot, head of the European Commission's insurance and pensions unit tells the industry

  • Two more insurers weigh in on the EU CMU Action Plan

    01 October 2020

    Allianz France focused on ESG while Generali hailed political endorsement of Solvency II improvement

  • Differing reactions to EC's CMU action plan from insurance industry

    25 September 2020

    Insurance Europe positive, while BVI and Axa share their concerns

  • Insurance Europe sets out stall on sustainable investments

    20 July 2020

    Paper is part of reply to EC consultation

  • EU's CMU consultation puts equity capital charge under the spotlight again

    06 July 2020

    Insurance Europe again calls for review of equity charge reviving the debate over the Solvency II equity treatment and potentially setting a collision course with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority. Vincent Huck reports

  • EIOPA calls for non-financial information to be audited

    16 June 2020

    European watchdog said verification requirements would improve reliability and comparability of ESG data

  • Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance reacts to EC's €750bn recovery proposal

    01 June 2020

    Scheme will protect single market and ensure a green future

  • Interview: EU rethinks regulatory priorities in light of COVID-19

    12 May 2020

    Elizabeth Gillam, head of EU government relations and public policy at Invesco, discusses the European Union re-prioritisation of work streams in light of the COVID-19 crisis, and why sustainability will come out on top. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • COVID-19 will spur sustainability work at EU level

    01 May 2020

    Invesco head of public policy says, as Solvency II 2020 review delayed