
  • EU urged to rush cuts in charges on safe securitisations

    16 November 2015

    Amendments to Solvency II cannot wait for agreement on STS directive

  • Commission may cut Solvency II capital charges for infrastructure corporates

    19 October 2015

    Eiopa asked to provided technical advice before the end of January

  • Commission orders cut to Solvency II charges on infrastructure and ABS

    01 October 2015

    Capital treatment of private equity up for review

  • Infrastructure will remain relatively small proportion of insurers' assets

    01 October 2015

    Firms need to build expertise in this area, says Fitch

  • Infrastructure charges still too high, industry says

    01 October 2015

    Insurance Europe says barriers to investment remain

  • Eiopa finalises plan to slash SII infrastructure debt charges

    29 September 2015

    European Commission advised to establish new asset class

  • SME insurers may step up infrastructure investments

    26 August 2015

    Eiopa proposals spur their interest, says Scope Ratings

  • Industry requests exemption from EMIR central clearing obligations

    18 August 2015

    OTC derivatives market regulation is too restrictive, claims Insurance Europe

  • EU to lower charges for short-term securitisations

    17 August 2015

    Asset-backed commercial paper may qualify for preferential SII capital treatment

  • Draft plans to cut infra Solvency II charges "not sufficient"

    10 August 2015

    Trade body Insurance Europe responds to Eiopa's consultation