
  • Nordic insurers invest $90.4m in SDG fund

    07 July 2020

    DWM impact fund will provide loans to low income communities and micro enterprises

  • Allianz Real Estate acquires 25% stake in Iberian shopping centre portfolio

    02 March 2020

    German affiliate invests €525m jointly with Finnish insurer Elo

  • Ten key "straws in the wind" from the EC's 2020 Solvency II review

    17 February 2020

    Deloitte's Andrew Bulley, Henry Jupe and Linda Hedqvist highlight the key areas to watch for in this year's Solvency II review, based on Eiopa's proposals.

  • Dai-Ichi Life invests YEN 1.6bn in healthcare start-ups

    08 July 2019

    Japanese insurer backs CureApp and NeuroTrack in impact investments

  • Green bond strategies split French CIOs and CROs

    09 April 2019

    The difference in approach between insurers' risk and investment functions has been revealed at an event organised by the French institute of actuaries, in partnership with Schroders and Axa. This examined insurers' strategies to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Vincent Huck reports

  • Three insurers part of new Australian sustainable finance initiative

    28 March 2019

    IAG, QBE and Swiss Re join banks, superannuation funds and academia in HLEG-style initiative

  • MS&AD plans to launch ¥10bn sustainability bond fund

    19 March 2019

    This would be the third green bond fund managed by a Japanese asset manager and the country's first for nine years

  • Indian insurers’ real assets exposure up 15.7%

    10 January 2019

    Regulator data shows three-quarters of total commitments to asset class come from life sector

  • Volatilità spurs Italian insurers to review portfolios

    04 September 2018

    Italy's underwriters long understood their sovereign debt was not riskless. This year's jolts only intensified their search for other investments, as David Walker reports

  • Equity release mortgages: stopping the roof falling in

    09 August 2018

    The Prudential Regulation Authority has shaken up life insurers by proposing new assumptions around the valuation of ERMs. The more prudent approach seeks to avoid a potential disaster if house prices stagnate or crash, but the impact on insurers could be serious. Christopher Cundy reports