
  • How actuarial best practice would benefit from a more Aboriginal approach

    20 June 2023

    Australian First Nations actuary tells conference Western modes of problem-solving fail to meet today's crises

  • FWD seeks new CFO as Jon Nielsen announces move

    15 May 2023

    Nielsen will stay with FWD until August

  • China industry practitioners praise CBIRC as dissolution flagged

    10 March 2023

    New set up suggests a more centralized regulatory mechanism

  • Insurer CLOs under the regulatory spotlight

    25 January 2023

    NAIC's capital charges on risky assets will likely be revamped, Deloitte says

  • How German CIOs are doing well, in 'doing good'

    21 December 2022

    Germany's CIOs are a fairly heterogeneous group, but one thing - or actually three - fairly unites them these days: E, and S, and G. And the theme stretches from Allianz, almost all the way 'down' to the smallest GA-minnow the country has to offer. David Walker reports

  • Angelo Gordon appoints Matt Heintz to head insurance solutions

    17 October 2022

    Formerly head of JPMorgan's North America insurance solutions

  • Inflation a "double-edged sword" for insurers

    15 September 2022

    Benefits of boosted investment yields tempered by higher operating costs, Deloitte says

  • Table of the Week- CIOs given deep insight into Chinese firms' ESG activities

    27 May 2022

    New Chinese standards for corporate ESG reporting revealed

  • Ping An lends insurer's eye to Chinese ESG disclosure standards

    12 May 2022

    Insurer grew investment net profitability 11% in Q1

  • Folksam invests SEK 3.8bn in World Bank green bond

    21 February 2022

    Sole investor in bond supporting projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency and biodiversity