
  • Comment - Why EIOPA's latest investment statistics have 'something for everyone'

    07 June 2024

    From alts to the core of GAs, and local government debt exposure, everyone had something to cheer about

  • Most insurers in-line with SFDR, but some have work to do, EIOPA finds

    07 June 2024

    Set to recommend further SFDR enhancements soon

  • 'Silent run-off' occurring in German life market, says Moody's

    16 May 2024

    Backbook life deals denied and abandoned, have stolen the limelight recently

  • European insurers' property exposure hit two-year low

    15 May 2024

    But CIO involvement in green bonds markets marks multi-year high

  • Comment - Is BaFin's argument against capital cuts for green activities, sustainable?

    15 May 2024

    Mark Branson told the media this week: "No compromises when it comes to calibrating our regulations"

  • BaFin president warns against lower capital requirements for sustainability

    15 May 2024

    Mark Branson also acknowledges BaFin's recent slap-on-the-wrist from EIOPA

  • Chart of the Week - A Eurovision of how insurers' general accounts are composed, by EEA country

    10 May 2024

    Significant diversity in allocations appears, across EIOPA's 30 national industries

  • SII review (finally) make the forbidden fruit of long-term equity edible for insurers?

    08 May 2024

    DWS believes recent changes have the potential to significantly increase adoption of LTE across Continental insurers

  • National regulators tell EIOPA which assets they believe are riskiest for insurers

    03 May 2024

    EIOPA has concluded examination of Solvency II's prudent person principle

  • Comment: EIOPA fires its own starting gun on actually implementing Solvency II reform

    18 April 2024

    Small yet pivotal parts of SFCRs for non-UK firms have been amended, with significantly better transparency one result