
  • Hard Brexit risks leaving UK insurers on a 'capital cliff edge'

    12 February 2019

    As a no-deal Brexit hovers over the financial industry like the sword of Damocles, sovereign holdings could be a bigger risk for the solvency positions of UK insurers' than for their European rivals. The Association of British Insurers wants the regulator to act, and fast

  • ESAs delays potential amendments to PRIIPs legislation

    11 February 2019

    European Supervisory Authorities will instead carry out a review into rules in 2019

  • Eiopa to step up work on sustainability

    06 February 2019

    Regulator announces its work programme for the next two years

  • Eiopa seeks insurers views on integrating sustainable risks in Solvency II

    17 January 2019

    With particular focus on climate change and collect market practices on insurance underwriting

  • EIOPA to have a say on individual internal model applications

    14 January 2019

    Econ approves amendments to Eiopa's powers

  • Proposed Solvency II equity asset class is "unworkable"

    28 December 2018

    European Commission urged to review its long-term equity proposal in the Solvency II standard formula review

  • Eiopa reveals MA users willingness to slide down the credit curve

    19 December 2018

    Authority details average interest income, but realised and unrealised losses

  • Solvency II special measures save insurers in Eiopa yield stress tests

    17 December 2018

    Many of Europe’s largest groups fell below 100% SCR without LTGs and transitionals

  • Large-scale market movements could pose an issue for EU insurers' solvency

    14 December 2018

    Eiopa 2018 stress tests reveals

  • Video: Insurers key players of a sustainable economy

    13 December 2018

    Interview with Justin Wray deputy head of policy at Eiopa