
  • Eiopa seeks academic research input on investment allocations

    23 October 2019

    EU watchdog also looking for input on liquidity testing

  • Sustainability and Solvency II: an imprudent regime

    17 October 2019

    Aviva Investors' Steve Waygood and Ben Carr, discuss integrating sustainability risk to Solvency II capital requirements, and why in some respect the prudential regulation is ‘imprudent’. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Sustainability and Solvency II: Is the frog dead yet?

    10 October 2019

    If the planet is a frog in a saucepan heated by the market, at the moment we are only taking the temperature and not reducing the heat, according to Steve Waygood, chief responsible investment officer, and Ben Carr, analytics and capital modelling director, at Aviva Investors. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Eiopa draws a blank on Solvency II risk charges for climate change

    01 October 2019

    But warns industry to take account of climate risk in investments and valuation

  • German insurers shift bond holdings from domestic market to France

    17 September 2019

    Eiopa statistics reveal a marginal shift in allocation

  • Eiopa reveals 12.9% of insurers’ investments exposed to climate risk

    13 September 2019

    EU financial regulators publish report on risk and vulnerability in EU financial system

  • Climate change old hat for re/insurers, BaFin president says

    09 September 2019

    Felix Hufeld warns climate change issues now need to be debated at a political level

  • Insurers get defensive in the face of Brexit fears

    29 August 2019

    In the three years since the UK voted to leave the European Union, the emotional pendulum has swung from hope to despair – regardless of where one stands on the issue – making fertile ground for comments. But what do the numbers say when looking at insurers' asset allocation in the years since the referendum? Vincent Huck reports.

  • French insurers’ solvency vulnerable through exposure to parent banks

    26 July 2019

    Exposure can reach more than 50% of insurers’ capital, IMF warns

  • Eiopa proposes further standardisation of insurers’ disclosures

    22 July 2019

    Proposals respond to analyst demands for sensitivity tests and evolution of own funds