
  • The 2017 investment agenda

    30 December 2016

    With 2016 drawing to a close, investors on behalf of insurers can look back on what was a particularly challenging year. They will be keen to steady the ship and step up investment performance in 2017. Asa Gibson reports

  • Construction-only guarantees could boost UK infra opportunities

    28 November 2016

    Autumn Statement signals investment opportunities for UK insurers, says EY's Gareth Mee

  • Direct Line sells £350m securitised credit portfolio

    08 November 2016

    Cites Solvency II requirements and disappointing returns

  • Negative equity threatens lifetime mortgage assets

    26 October 2016

    The potential for falling house prices after Brexit threatens the stability of lifetime mortgage returns. Firms are modelling worst case scenarios and testing the limits of an otherwise attractive asset. Callum Tanner reports.

  • Getting the measure of credit downgrade risk

    21 September 2016

    Investors are questioning the impact of credit downgrades on insurers' Solvency II balance sheets. Hugo Coelho investigates how firms are gauging this risk and why they resist putting a figure on it.

  • Hedge fund reinsurers feel the heat

    07 September 2016

    Poor investment performance and tight reinsurance markets have squeezed returns for hedge fund reinsurers. With some already exiting the market, what for the future? Sarfraz Thind reports.

  • Dai-ichi Life in ¥2.3bn social bond deal

    02 September 2016

    First social bond issuance in Japan

  • Quasi-government loans: an elusive illiquid

    17 August 2016

    Supply of much-wanted government-backed loans is short, but the UK's referendum may change that to the benefit of life insurers. Asa Gibson reports.

  • P&C insurers first to feel the pinch of negative yielding gilts

    11 August 2016

    Life insurers to hold on to long-dated bonds, despite BoE demand

  • Pimco appoints real estate strategist from Morgan Stanley

    26 July 2016

    Paul Vosper led alternative investment partners division