
  • Ukraine war fails to dent unit-linked popularity, EIOPA report shows

    23 June 2022

    Financial Stability Report in June reveals 0.57% median return on total assets in 2021

  • Alternative fund allocations leap 36% during pandemic

    01 June 2022

    Infrastructure and PE fund managers benefitted most since Q4 2019

  • Chart of the Week - UK lifers' MA benefit revealed

    29 April 2022

    EIOPA's MA is a £400bn capital gift to UK life insurers

  • Comment - Is China's C-Ross Phase II creating the world's most transparent insurers?

    08 April 2022

    From capital coverage to managers' pay, Chinese insurers might be laying bare as much as any worldwide

  • Internal model users' understanding of market and credit risk varies greatly

    11 March 2022

    Which calls for continuous supervisory scrutiny, EIOPA says

  • Chart of the week - Westminster flings open the (UK) MA door

    25 February 2022

    Will the UK's Solvency II reform ease non-life insurers' use of the MA

  • BaFin warns insurers using derivatives more to boost returns

    21 February 2022

    Insurers hedging FX risk mainly for US dollars, sterling and Danish kronor

  • Investment management expenses of Europe's insurers revealed

    17 January 2022

    Data reveals which industries paid the most for GA investing annually since 2017

  • COMMENT - Was one vital ingredient missing in EIOPA's liquidity stress test?

    05 January 2022

    EIOPA business-liquidity stress test for insurers needed very illiquid markets

  • CIOs prove their worth in EIOPA's industry liquidity stress test

    05 January 2022

    Only 'management actions' kept net liquidity positions positive in simulated 're-run' of Q1 2020