
  • Chart of the week - how Italian lifers use GAs for lapse risk

    19 May 2023

    Italian SFCRs explain their liquidity planning, and its various methods, to meet a startling leap in lapse risk

  • European lapses hit five-year high - but insurers trim cash and liquid assets

    16 May 2023

    Median insurer's bank investments rose to 13.5% of assets in Q4, EIOPA finds

  • Rates-induced corrosion hit govvies and credit in Europe's GA throughout 2022

    15 May 2023

    Direct debt and credit holdings have contacted for eight quarters running

  • The sun shines again on Spanish general accounts

    08 May 2023

    As fixed income yields rise, Spanish insurers' CIOs may reflect happily on their 76% weighting to fixed interest interests - and smile again, David Walker writes

  • Danish supervisor spells out national stress tests

    27 April 2023

    Market scenarios more severe than those presented in some SFCRs

  • Comment: What's in a name? How investors are a 'proxy-SCR' for insurers' reputation risk

    27 March 2023

    Reputations contain much value quickly lost, especially in the financial sector reliant on trust

  • Large UK local sovereign / premium mismatch unearthed by BIS

    01 March 2023

    Across EEA 51% of sovereigns in GAs are local, EIOPA data shows

  • Chart of the Week - Russia's insurers, one year on...

    24 February 2023

    Insurers in Russia face a regulatory and investment landscape that would be hardly recognisable from pre-war times

  • Chart of the Week - Equities, a falling part of Germany's unit-linked industry?

    17 February 2023

    Germany's unit-linked equity funds suffer first consecutive falls in volume

  • Use of hedging derivatives in Europe hits multi-year high, EIOPA finds

    09 February 2023

    Authority ascribes peak figure since at least 2020 to interest rate hedging