
  • UK Libor transition working group asks Eiopa for clarity

    12 July 2019

    Tushar Morzaria calls for the removal of regulatory barriers to Ibor transition and the establishment of a pan-European Taskforce

  • Regulators' role in preventing greenwashing

    04 July 2019

    The French regulator's director for research and risk analysis Laurent Clerc explains the difficulty of acting on the climate change imperative and the challenges for the regulator to monitor 'greenwashing'. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Heightened appetite for illiquid assets could come back to bite insurers

    28 June 2019

    Lower compensations from illiquid assets, disruption from ESG considerations and political uncertainty as the new norm, are the key issues on top of insurers’ CIOs’ minds, according to an EY survey. Adam Leach reports

  • Insurers should analyse climate change scenarios in Orsa’s, says Eiopa

    03 June 2019

    Call comes as insurance supervisor launches consultation on sustainability risks

  • Almost a third of insurers do not intend to implement sustainable investment policies

    03 June 2019

    As Eiopa consults on sustainability it finds out many in the sector have no plans to implement sustainable investment policies

  • Green bond strategies split French CIOs and CROs

    09 April 2019

    The difference in approach between insurers' risk and investment functions has been revealed at an event organised by the French institute of actuaries, in partnership with Schroders and Axa. This examined insurers' strategies to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Vincent Huck reports

  • 13% of European insurance assets exposed to climate risk

    04 April 2019

    Eiopa tells French insurers at Paris conference

  • Lack of uniformity in sensitivity analysis raises questions

    14 March 2019

    While some insurers prepare for full force hurricanes, others get ready for light showers. Insurance Risk Data reveals the extend of diversity in the stress test, and why it might be of concern. David Walker reports

  • EU and UK supervisors agree to share information in case of no-deal Brexit

    05 March 2019

    Authorities sign two MoUs

  • Bernardino forecasts minor adjustments to PRIIPs regulation

    21 February 2019

    Eiopa chairman replied to industry associations during scrutiny hearing on PRIIPs