
  • Comment: What about the 'how' of net zero?

    18 August 2021

    As insurers pledge allegiance to the net-zero kingdom, for all their willingness and honesty, the 'how' of reaching carbon neutrality remains a mystery, Vincent Huck writes.

  • IVASS warns insurers lack tools for complex investments

    05 August 2021

    Regulator also forewarns volatility adjustment reform may be "imperfect"

  • French industry labels EIOPA's SII proposal "disputable"

    28 July 2021

    In terms of "efficiency, need and impact"

  • EIOPA proposes climate disclosures in Solvency II

    26 July 2021

    Sill a long way to go for common understanding and full transparency, a CIO tells Insurance Asset Risk

  • Chart of the week: GA, climate change and GDP - tomorrow's problem?

    26 July 2021

    Hypothetically, how exposed to climate change Europe's GA investments are?

  • Chart of the week - Sovereign pain

    09 July 2021

    When it comes to sovereign debt, versus less familiar alternatives, is it 'better the devil you know'?

  • CIOs dump BBB-grade corporates alongside fallen angels, as credit risk endures

    06 July 2021

    EIOPA's Financial Stability Report describes CIOs' selling/buying patterns in turbulent 2020

  • Invest Europe appoints EBRD director as chair

    21 June 2021

    Anne Fossemalle takes over from Thierry Baudon to promote PE investments at European level

  • Charts of the Week - German insurers and their alternative investments

    18 June 2021

    Insurance Risk Data reveals diverse allocation pattern, even among CIOs for smallest German general accounts

  • BaFin reveals German insurers' €47bn infrastructure investment stake

    16 June 2021

    Regulator also reveals industry's alternative allocations - but none yet in cryptocurrencies