
  • People moves Round-up: 29 March 2019

    29 March 2019

    M&G Prudential, Allianz Global Investors, Axa Investment Managers

  • Deutsche AWM's US ETF funds surge

    11 August 2015

    Assets under management pass $20bn mark

  • BlackRock stays top of insurance asset manager rankings

    24 June 2015

    Increases lead while J P Morgan shows fastest growth, according to IIOR

  • Asian insurers step up European real estate investments

    06 May 2015

    The safe haven status of Europe and deregulation at home are major spurs; London is a favoured target. Joe Valente explains

  • EU insurers search for liquidity in US bond markets

    04 December 2014

    A paucity of appropriate assets is leading European insurers to other markets. But what are the risks in terms of hedging and eligibility for the matching adjustment? Christopher Cundy reports

  • BlackRock and DeAWM continue to dominate insurance outsourcing

    18 September 2014

    Goldman, JPMorgan also notched up big gains in the new Insurance Investment Outsourcing Report rankings

  • Goldman and JPMorgan shoot up insurance outsourcers ranking

    16 September 2014

    But BlackRock and DeAWM continue to lead

  • Asset managers increase insurance AuM

    10 July 2014

    Specialist expertise key in attracting clients

  • DeAWM appoints Brown to head insurance solutions

    10 July 2014

    Also appointed head of Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management's UK operations

  • US insurers favour alternatives in outsourcing asset management

    26 June 2014

    US insurers reduce use of third-party managers for core fixed income, increase for alternative investments