
  • Round the World with SFCRs - German insurers welcome interest rates tailwinds, but explore alts 'just in case'

    07 June 2024

    Fixed income and equities performance in 2023 wiped out write-downs many German insurers made in 2022

  • German lifers reveal liquid GAs as lapse risk rises

    10 May 2023

    BaFin last week warned insurers to be vigilant about tackling surrender rates as interest rates increase

  • German life CIOs breath out, as the 'great ZZR unwind' begins

    19 April 2023

    In past years, German lifers dispatched CIOs to raise cash to pay into their ZZRs - like it, or not. But that reversed, and sometimes heftily, as interest rates rose in 2022. David Walker reports