
  • Japan life insurers' overseas asset risk on the rise, Moody's warns

    03 December 2019

    But capitalisation remains strong

  • Dai-ichi Life invests ¥200m in IT education start-up

    18 November 2019

    Life is Tech helps teach school students about technology

  • Dai-ichi Life invests $50m in Mekong region development bond

    21 October 2019

    The three-year bond issued by Export-Import Bank of India will invest in infra projects

  • Absence of US insurers in global climate initiative eye-opening

    04 October 2019

    Climate Action 100+ releases first progress report as pressure on climate-aware investing grows

  • Dai-ichi Life invests NOK 440m in vaccine bonds

    22 July 2019

    Funds to be used to develop vaccinations for infectious diseases

  • Dai-Ichi Life invests YEN 1.6bn in healthcare start-ups

    08 July 2019

    Japanese insurer backs CureApp and NeuroTrack in impact investments

  • Dai-Ichi Life invests $200m in green and sustainability bonds

    27 June 2019

    Japanese insurer is the sole investor in two development banks bonds

  • Asset risk rising at Japanese insurers, Moody’s warns

    04 June 2019

    Increase in overseas investments in hunt for yield key driver of rising risk

  • Nine insurers amongst 164 firms in Japanese TCFD consortium

    03 June 2019

    Three affiliated asset managers also in the group

  • Dai-ichi Life revises its investment policy under stewardship code

    02 April 2019

    Japanese insurer to engage on climate change and disclose reasons for voting against resolutions