
  • Japanese life insurers' capitalisation improved in H1 2020 but still weak to market shocks

    04 December 2020

    Movement away from domestic bonds to foreign becoming increasingly transparent

  • Dai-ichi Life invests in BlackRock renewable infrastructure fund

    15 October 2020

    Fund focuses on solar, wind and other renewable power generation facilities

  • Dai-ich Life joins SASB's advisory group

    31 July 2020

    First Japanese asset owner to join the organisation

  • Dai-ichi subsidiaries invests $70m in plastic waste reduction corporate bond

    08 July 2020

    Described as first corporate bond linked to reducing plastic waste

  • Insurers' social investing takes the spotlight in battle against COVID-19

    18 May 2020

    If the pandemic has any silver lining, it is in boosting the prominence of the social aspect of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing. David Walker investigates this 'elevation', and whether it will outlast the virus it is being rallied to combat.

  • Dai-ichi reports ¥28.9bn drop in investment income

    15 May 2020

    Japanese insurer looks to increase allocation to credit, infrastructure and alternatives

  • Crédit Agricole and Dai-ichi Life partner in micro and gender finance scheme

    14 May 2020

    Aimed at unbanked women in developing world

  • 2020 Asia Outlook: Unthreading the Asian patchwork

    15 January 2020

    Ever a patchwork of underwriting industries, the insurers of Asia will go their own ways when investing in 2020, as demands of performance, new regulation and even mild governmental cajoling come to play in varying degrees in the different jurisdictions. By David Walker

  • Ping An signs up to the Climate Action 100+

    07 January 2020

    The Chinese insurer becomes sixth Asian and first Chinese asset owner to sign up to the initiative

  • Japan's insurers in small minority on stewardship code

    30 December 2019

    However affiliated managers are aplenty on signatory roster