
  • The role of ETFs in insurers' portfolios

    22 December 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk survey finds increased interest in asset class

  • Net Zero Asset Managers initiative sets sail with 30 signatories combining $9trn of assets

    14 December 2020

    Insurance affiliated managers amongst founding signatories

  • Cash a 'sweat-able asset' in need of exercise

    04 November 2020

    Cash once used to be king, but the cost of holding it has become prohibitive for insurers, who are also weary of the prospect of losing money in their safe harbour asset class: government bonds. Has the time to make their money "sweat" come? David Walker asks

  • Guernsey to introduce green capital charges for life re/insurers

    30 October 2020

    Proposal receives mixed responses from stakeholders fearful of a greenwashing exercise and the possible limited impact of the initiative. Vincent Huck speaks to the local regulator and industry stakeholders

  • Trump or Biden - the USA faces 'Sputnik moment' on technology, DWS Kelly says

    27 October 2020

    Healthcare and climate related investments opportunities would also arise from a Biden victory

  • Chart: EEA insurers invest five times more in USA corporates than USA govvies

    09 October 2020

    Almost 20% dip in USA equity allocations in the first quarter of 2020

  • DWS appoints head of insurance and banking for Germany

    01 October 2020

    Nestanlin Garcia to begin 1 January 2021

  • Stress-tested: How COVID-19 put insurers' investments under pressure

    14 September 2020

    The impact of the pandemic on insurers' claims remains unknown, and estimates vary widely. However, market turbulence in H1 has clearly impacted the asset side of insurers' balance sheets. Already, though, underwriters are looking ahead and rethinking investment decisions and ensuring resilience. Vincent Huck surveys the damage done and the plans afoot

  • Insurers to increase allocation to ETFs, Insurance Asset Risk survey finds

    11 September 2020

    As global ETFs and ETPs reach $7trn

  • Quarter of US insurers upped IG credit allocation, DWS survey finds

    22 July 2020

    US investors maintaining steady allocations through pandemic