
  • Largest 50 EEA insurance investors in bonds held €2.2trn in 2018

    02 January 2020

    French insurers favour govvies while UK insurers focus on corporates

  • France's largest insurers looking for climate-conscious asset managers

    19 November 2019

    Three mandates totalling €500m open for tender

  • Natixis Assurances MD appointed president of French Bancassurance Group

    25 July 2019

    Jean-François Lequoy will also serve as vice-president of the French Insurance Federation

  • Axa IMRA to buy NorthStar Realty Europe

    05 July 2019

    Axa affiliate will take ownership of $1.1bn property portfolio if offer is approved by shareholders

  • The 'obscure' Solvency II co-investment rule

    30 April 2019

    Recent changes to co-investing rules under Solvency II have been received with mixed feelings by European insurers. Many players are even unaware there has been a development. Vincent Huck reports

  • French insurers partner up for major unlisted SME funding initiative

    07 March 2019

    From Axa France to BNP Paribas Cardif and CNP Assurances, France’s largest have helped unlock €22.2bn of fund-based investments for French small caps. Their early-stage returns may be unclear. But their ambitions for the next phase of their investment is only the greater, the heavy hitters tell Vincent Huck

  • French insurers committed €1.2bn in partnership to fund unlisted SMEs

    13 February 2019

    The five insurers and an investment bank invested in 63 funds

  • Deals round-up: 28 Jan 2019

    28 January 2019

    Axa IMRA, Prudential, BNP Paribas Cardif, Garance

  • French insurers’ climate-related disclosures under the spotlight

    23 November 2018

    Disclosures have improved, but retail investors still do not know whether their savings are invested in a sustainable future

  • Insurers support launch of tobacco-free finance pledge

    27 September 2018

    The pledge has 60 founding signatories and 28 supporters