
  • Going off-piste - how French CIOs are embracing alternatives

    10 January 2023

    As French insurers venture 'off-piste' in their general accounts, David Walker examines if the 'black runs' of alternative asset classes will be simply exciting - or could break a leg or two

  • Comment - How EIOPA helps Europe's insurers 'keep up with the Kardashians'

    28 December 2022

    EIOPA - and, separately, Insurance Risk Data - is helping practitioners to learn the latest about Europe's insurers, and their outsourcing preferences. By David Walker

  • Chart of the Week - Europe's Largest Insurers

    10 June 2022

    General accounts fell while unit-linked assets rose, at Europe's largest groups in 2021

  • French insurers launch €1.7bn debt recovery fund

    23 November 2021

    20 insurers and eight asset managers involved

  • French insurers commit €3.2bn to French tech companies

    08 June 2021

    Accounting for half of the capital invested in the state sponsored Tibi program

  • 18 French insurers commit €11bn to finance SMEs recovery from COVID-19

    26 April 2021

    Second round of financing planned for June

  • MEAG acquires 50% share of solar park in California

    16 December 2020

    Asset comprises two projects

  • France's largest insurers select three "climate conscious" managers

    03 July 2020

    Amundi, Sycomore AM and HSBC GAM win outsourcing mandates for three ESG funds totalling €585m

  • European insurers reveal solvency damage from multi-faceted stress tests

    08 June 2020

    Sensitivity tests include re-runs of 2008/09 and magnified German Reunification

  • Italian insurer assets fell almost 10% in Q1 as BTP spreads widened

    29 May 2020

    Regulator reassures industry solvency still held above 200%