
  • Generali Investments' Sosteneo finances Australian energy storage

    03 November 2023

    Teams-up with Edify Energy on Victoria battery project

  • French insurers supercharge EV battery business

    14 September 2023

    FSP leads multi-billion investment round

  • Chart of the Week - Breakdown of market risk SCR of AEMA group subsidiaries, 2022 (%)

    28 July 2023

    A 'group market risk SCR' can mask very divergent risk-taking at subsidiaries

  • Insurers sign up to Tibi 2 initiative and focus on biodiversity aspects

    12 July 2023

    Adding three more insurance investors to existing 18

  • BNP Paribas Cardif launches impact bond fund

    27 June 2023

    In partnership with EIF and Banque des Territoires, targeting €70m in investment

  • ISALT launches transition fund with first investment in medtech company TISSIUM

    24 May 2023

    Through the FSP fund which is financed by seven large French insurance companies

  • Northern exposure - equities bestow mixed blessings on Nordic/Scandinavian insurers in 2022

    15 May 2023

    Markets may have dived as rates, geopolitical tension and inflation rocketed, but Scandinavian and Nordic insurers' faith in equities was not always misplaced. David Walker reports

  • Bolting for the door - could 'mass lapse' risk trigger 'mass bond sales' at French lifers?

    04 May 2023

    Better interest rates mean better investment options than life policies. As France's exposed lifers watch on, some count up their liquid assets, some count on customer loyalty - but will all ultimately count on CIOs, to sell off GAs? David Walker reports

  • French insurers renew commitments to invest €3bn in unlisted SMEs for the next 5 years

    03 April 2023

    After surpassing their €2bn target in the three years to 2022

  • Chart of the Week: Solvency capital charges, and what a cactus and CIO (should) have in common

    10 March 2023

    Average Solvency II capital charges by insurers' GA sizes reveal some unexpected findings