
  • Fee schedules in insurance IMAs - the hard sell

    05 February 2024

    From the most straightforward to some pock-marked by caveats and preconditions, investment provisions in investment management agreements span the full spectrum of complexity

  • Federal insurer disclosure bill unlikely to pass, former California assembly member says

    04 August 2023

    Marc Levine attacks hypocrisy of insurers and says bill is sign of growing support for climate measures in the sector

  • Democrats take aim at insurers with fossil fuel disclosure bill

    27 July 2023

    Polluter Portfolio Disclosure Act introduced after insurers withdraw insurance coverage from California due to catastrophe exposure

  • Aviva to invest £9m into Citizens Advice and Business Debtline

    28 October 2022

    The funds to support 250,000 people in the UK

  • MACIF invests in car-sharing network, Citiz

    09 March 2022

    A partner of the French insurer for over 15 years