
  • European insurers and affiliate join water-risk research project

    13 November 2023

    Bridge scheme follows up findings of Ceres Valuing Water Finance Initiative benchmark

  • US insurers fossil fuel holdings revealed

    08 August 2023

    In new report questioning the dichotomy between underwriting and investment policies

  • Absence of US insurers in global climate initiative eye-opening

    04 October 2019

    Climate Action 100+ releases first progress report as pressure on climate-aware investing grows

  • Updated palm oil principle a "great signal" for investors

    21 November 2018

    Insurers who lobbied for ESG integration in draft standards remain coy to comment

  • Tensions flare between Exxon and its shareholders over climate disclosures

    01 November 2018

    A decade of shareholder engagement at Exxon seem to have gone down the drain as the company now faces a lawsuit for misleading investors. While insurers were quick to broadcast their role in exercising shareholder powers, they are now found coy to comment. Adam Leach reports

  • US not changing on climate

    25 October 2018

    New York, US. The US insurance industry has been a laggard when it comes to embracing investments to mitigate climate change. Many insurers remain suspicious of the need for it unlike their European counterparts. It is a deeply divisive, political issue, according to professionals. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • US insurers warned about carbon asset risk

    24 May 2016

    Group of investors recommends how insurers should deal with carbon asset risk