
  • Five European bodies criticise EIOPA's approach to the SII review

    04 November 2020

    Letter by Insurance Europe, the CFO, the CRO and the Pan-Europe Insurance Forums, and the Association of mutual insurers ask for less capital burden

  • Insurance Europe maintains insurers are long term equity investors

    16 January 2020

    Responding to consultation on Eiopa's opinion on the 2020 Solvency II review

  • CRO Forum offers practical advice for setting up a liquidity risk framework

    12 September 2019

    Report highlights the unintended consequences of response to the financial crisis

  • Growth of green bond issuance to accelerate in 2019, Moody’s says

    31 January 2019

    Bonds linked to UN SDGs are also expected to be in greater demand

  • CRO Forum urges insurers to consider impact investing

    25 January 2019

    While ESG integration mitigates risk on a portfolio, impact investing will have an effect at a global level, forum says