
  • Allianz and Aviva's asset managers on sustainable infrastructure work stream

    27 February 2017

    UN-backed initiative seeks to engage infrastructure investors with ESG principles

  • Investing in a changing climate

    12 December 2016

    The response by insurers' investment operations to climate change has been branded embarrassing. Environmental Finance's Peter Cripps investigates what the industry can do on the asset side of the balance sheet to mitigate climate change risks in the first of a two-part analysis.

  • European insurers flock to SME financing funds

    05 October 2016

    BNP Paribas IP's SME debt fund closes at €500m as firms seek diversified credit holdings

  • French insurers invest in €425m green energy infrastructure fund

    24 August 2016

    CNP and Meridiam close fund after six months

  • CNP Assurances makes first investment in fintech

    26 April 2016

    Invests €12m in top French crowdlending platform

  • CNP boosts equity exposure to counter low rates

    17 February 2016

    French insurer using hedges on equities, FX and fixed income

  • Insurers dominate funding of climate awareness bond

    24 November 2015

    Ten insurers participate in €500m EIB private placement

  • CNP Assurances chooses tool to aid ALM

    19 May 2015

    French insurer to use Numerix ESG

  • CNP Assurances boosts systems for managing its assets

    17 April 2015

    New platform based on SimCorp Dimension

  • Insurers' private equity investment gets a fillip from Brussels

    30 October 2014

    Clarification of the Solvency II capital charges will clear the way for more insurers to embrace the asset class, joining those already attracted by the superior returns