
  • Finding a role for insurance asset managers in a sustainable financial system

    24 September 2018

    New report by the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability project calls on all actors in the financial system to move as one on sustainability issues. Vincent Huck reports

  • Private equity and co-investing hotspots for outsourcing

    18 September 2018

    Survey finds continued high interest in private market investing

  • Insurers get a taste for investment risk

    17 September 2018

    Readiness to take chances grows among insurance investors

  • Insurers and asset managers: a relationship in turmoil

    13 September 2018

    The relationship between insurers and their asset manager is evolving, shifted by macroeconomic changes, regulations, fee pressures and new asset dynamics. Insurers say they want more from their asset managers. But more of what precisely? And how are managers responding? IAR asks the industry. By Sarfraz Thind

  • Two candidates left for Scottish Widows £109bn mandate

    06 September 2018

    Lloyds Banking Group has dropped Goldman Sachs from the auction of the investment contract

  • BlackRock launches ESG emerging market debt funds

    06 August 2018

    With the products expected to spark interest amongst insurers

  • DWS appoints three senior members to its institutional client team

    20 July 2018

    One of which with a strong link to the insurance space

  • Prince of Wales says insurers need to step up on sustainability

    11 July 2018

    Events organised by the Prince of Wales can't be publicised, so it was a running joke among the attendees of his finance leaders' summit at St James Palace to ask how one had heard about the event. Surrounded by tapestries, art works, swords and powder guns hanging from the walls, 70 finance leaders were asked to commit to concrete actions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. Vincent Huck got a glimpse through the door.

  • Blackstone targets insurance assets

    03 July 2018

    The insurance industry has no shortage of asset managers jostling to take on assets. So why would someone start from scratch to get into the game? Despite competition, Blackstone believes the opportunities in insurance asset management remain vast. Chris Blunt, head of the group's insurance solutions, explains the company's motivation and strategy. By Sarfraz Thind

  • LGIM poaches head of Asia-Pac from SLA

    15 June 2018

    David Peng joins LGIM as head of Asia Pacific ex Japan