
  • Sustainability and Solvency II: Is the frog dead yet?

    10 October 2019

    If the planet is a frog in a saucepan heated by the market, at the moment we are only taking the temperature and not reducing the heat, according to Steve Waygood, chief responsible investment officer, and Ben Carr, analytics and capital modelling director, at Aviva Investors. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • PRA pins down insurers on illiquid assets and liquidity risk management

    24 September 2019

    Firms that use derivatives and invest in income-producing real estate in the crosshairs

  • UK Libor transition working group asks Eiopa for clarity

    12 July 2019

    Tushar Morzaria calls for the removal of regulatory barriers to Ibor transition and the establishment of a pan-European Taskforce

  • Rise in downgrade rate could spark £10bn corporate bond fire sale

    29 May 2019

    Solvency II treatment of non-investment grade might prompt UK insurers to lead sale of 'fallen angels'

  • UK Libor transition working group highlights rapid progress

    20 May 2019

    But insurers still lagging behind according to rating agency Moody’s

  • Royal London Asset Management calls on Metro Bank chairman to go

    17 May 2019

    RLAM joins LGIM intending to oppose re-appointing co-founder Vernon Hill

  • Bank of England director highlights climate threat to equity-release mortgages

    10 April 2019

    David Rule says increased flooding and subsidence could devalue properties

  • EU and UK supervisors agree to share information in case of no-deal Brexit

    05 March 2019

    Authorities sign two MoUs

  • US and UK strike post Brexit derivatives deal

    25 February 2019

    Three-part agreement aims to reassure market regardless of soft or hard Brexit

  • Transitioning from Libor: complex questions and no answers

    21 February 2019

    The discontinuation of Libor will affect trillions of contracts across the global financial industry, Insurance Asset Risk reveals the scope of the impact on insurers and the unanswerable question they face in a transition period filled with uncertainty. Vincent Huck reports