
  • Small German insurers expand alternatives expertise, BaFin finds

    26 February 2019

    The industry turned over more than 10% of investments in hunt for yield in 2018

  • Sustainability is key insurance focus for BaFin in 2019

    28 December 2018

    German regulator’s areas of focus mix regulation, investment, and technical issues in Solvency II

  • Axa Art Versicherung is top German non-life investor

    20 December 2018

    Four insurers made running yields exceeding 10% in 2017, BaFin reveals

  • R&V Leben tops investment performance among German life firms

    18 December 2018

    BaFin released figures for 2017

  • Finding a role for insurance asset managers in a sustainable financial system

    24 September 2018

    New report by the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability project calls on all actors in the financial system to move as one on sustainability issues. Vincent Huck reports

  • Frankfurter Leben to merge asset management with private bank

    31 August 2018

    Insurer and Hauck & Aufhäuser both owned by Fosun

  • Austria: Eastern Promise Beckons for Asset Managers

    23 August 2018

    Austrians' expanding businesses in eastern Europe, a commitment to ESG and their suffering at the hands of miserable debt yields, makes the country a market worth investigating in. David Walker reports.

  • Survey shows German insurers’ lacklustre commitment to sustainability

    17 August 2018

    The survey revealed that only 13% of underwriters considered making positive, progressive investments, whereas 49% of respondents simply avoid undesirable investments

  • "Actuaries and asset managers have cultural differences like Chinese and Europeans"- Schroders' Perisse

    20 July 2018

    Ghislain Périssé joined Schroders as head of insurance strategy in the insurance asset management team in May of this year. Previously at Axa Investment Management, Périssé is based out of Paris, but on a visit to London he sat down with Vincent Huck to discuss the cultural rift between actuaries and asset managers. In this first of a two-part article, he also discusses his move, the differences between in-house and third-party insurance asset managers, and how countries' cultures have influenced Solvency II implementation.

  • Reserving change could cut German investment pressure by 1%

    18 July 2018

    New ZZR calculation method could save life industry €10bn in 2018, researchers say